Wall Covered in Books with Small Blue Door in the middle

21 Books For 21 Days Onboard A Container Ship

Help me plan what to read!

I In approximately one month from now, I will be on a container ship, cruising from Singapore to Istanbul. It is a trip that is supposed to take 21 days, depending on the schedule and hopefully no last-minute changes invalidate the premise of this article. 

To prepare for 3 weeks of internet-free living and no distractions, I am trying to put together a list of 21 books to take with. Most of the books I have decided on so far have been on my to-read list for so long they are collecting e-dust. I know, I realistically will not have enough time to read all of these – even though I have been known to average a book every couple of days – but it’s nice to be prepared nevertheless. There is also something symbolic about having an option for every day!

There are more than 355  books marked as “want to read” on my Goodreads account. Here are some of the options so far. 




Have you got another suggestion, please share? The Short Stories section is looking a bit small! 

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Rania Kalogirou
Rania Kalogirou

Freelance copywriter and junior developer in training. Since moving to Europe from New Zealand, I have embraced the semi-digital nomad dream, working with clients while exploring the world.

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